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Proposals, Nominations & Applications

18 08, 2021

Call for Proposals – Contract for Secretarial Services for the IEEE Biometrics Council

2023-04-04T14:58:03-04:00August 18, 2021|Proposals, Nominations & Applications|

Deadline: October 18, 2021 Council has ongoing contract that helps with the following secretarial services. Services for the T-BIOM Journal: Using ScholarOne system receive, estimate page length, and inventory manuscripts. Coordinate with ScholarOne staff for customizations and upgrades to the submission portal Contact authors for submission checks and respond to inquiries from authors and reviewers [...]

5 08, 2021

2021 Call For Nominations- IEEE Biometrics Committees

2023-04-04T15:07:52-04:00August 5, 2021|Proposals, Nominations & Applications|

Call for Nominations for President-Elect Deadline: October 5, 2021 We seek nominations for the President of the Biometrics Council from interested candidates from the member societies of the biometrics council. The successful candidate will serve as President Elect for 2022 and commence their term as President on Jan 1 2023, ending 31 Dec 2024. The [...]

4 04, 2021

2021 Award Nominations Are Open!

2023-04-18T09:59:59-04:00April 4, 2021|Awards, Proposals, Nominations & Applications|

2021 IEEE Biometrics Council Best Doctoral Dissertation Award Nomination Deadline: June 07, 2021 To express recognition for, and promote outstanding effort and contributions in doctoral dissertation in the field of interest to the IEEE Biometrics Council, the IEEE Biometrics Council Best Doctoral Dissertation Award was established in 2019. Any current member of IEEE is eligible [...]

31 03, 2021

Call For Nominations: DLP Chair & Distinguished Lecturers

2023-04-04T15:13:50-04:00March 31, 2021|Proposals, Nominations & Applications|

Distinguished Lecture Nomination Deadline: August 15, 2021 Nominations are invited for the IEEE Biometrics Council Distinguished Lecturer under recently adopted DLP charter (PDF). These nominations will be for 3-year term and begin from 1st January 2022. Biometrics council distinguished lecturers are nominated by following council members: Fellow members, Chapter chairs, TC chairs, EiCs, and AdCom/ExCom [...]

4 01, 2021

Call for Applications for the ‘Editor-in-Chief’ of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior and Identity Science (TBIOM)

2023-04-18T09:58:36-04:00January 4, 2021|Proposals, Nominations & Applications, T-BIOM|

The IEEE Biometrics Council invites applications for the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior and Identity Science. The term is for three years. The applicants must have strong, relevant experience in roles such as author, reviewer, and area/associate editor for biometrics related publications/journals, and/or a Technical Program Chair or similar roles in high [...]

18 10, 2020

Call for papers IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science Special Issue on Face Presentation Attack Detection

2023-04-18T09:58:36-04:00October 18, 2020|Proposals, Nominations & Applications, T-BIOM|

Face anti-spoofing recognition is a hot and challenging research topic that has received much attention from the computer vision and pattern recognition communities in the past. Owing to the development of deep learning and big data, recent advances of the related research have gained a lot. However, it is still challenging to aim at unknown [...]

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