Form A New Chapter Overview

The IEEE Biometrics Council is inviting colleagues active in areas related to biometric technology and applications to establish new Chapters within their Regions or IEEE Sections. Establishing a Technical Council Chapter gives volunteers the opportunity to actively participate in the activities of the IEEE Biometrics Council, network with colleagues and have access to the council’s Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP).


  • The Organizer (and Co-Organizer, if applicable) must be an active IEEE member of Graduate Student Member grade or higher for a minimum of 6 months
  • The Organizer (and Co-Organizer, if applicable) must be an active member of the Society(ies) or Council(s) involved
  • The Organizer shall serve as the interim Chapter Chair pending election at a later date

Note: For Joint Section Chapters, there must be one Organizer/Co-Organizer from each contiguous section involved.


  • Chapters petitions must be endorsed by the following:  Section Chair
  • Joint Sections Chapter petitions must be endorsed by the following:  Section Chair for each Section involved

Note: If the Organizer does not report to a Section, the petition will be endorsed by the Region Director.  Endorsers will be invited to endorse the petition once the petition has been verified by IEEE Staff.


Chapter petitions must be signed by the following:

  • 12 active IEEE members of Graduate Student Member grade or higher for a minimum of 6 months, who are members of the parent Society(ies) and Section(s) involved.

Qualified members will be invited to sign the petition once the petition has been endorsed by all Endorsers.


Chapter Petitions must be approved by the following:

  • Region Director (or their designee)
  • Society/Council President, for each Society/Council involved

Approvers will be invited to approve the petition once the petition has been signed by 12 Petitioners.

Establish A New Chapter

If you are interested in establishing a Chapter, please send an e-mail stating your intend to VP Technical Activities Vitomir Štruc:

Detailed Information