The Steering Board of the IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), the IEEE Biometrics Council and IAPR TC-4, are seeking meeting
site proposals for the 2026 edition of FG. Below are specific details and dates, as well as the instructions for submitting proposals.

20th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2026)

The Steering Board of the IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) invites proposals to host the 2026 edition of the conference, preferably around May-June 2026. The event will be the 20th in a series that began in 1995 in Zurich, Switzerland, and is co-sponsored by the IEEE Biometric Council and IEEE
Computer Society.

IEEE FG is the premier international forum for research in image and video-based face, gesture, and body movement recognition. Its broad scope includes advances in
fundamental computer vision, pattern recognition, computer graphics, machine learning techniques relevant to face, gesture and body motion, new algorithms and applications
in behavioral science and affective computing. In keeping with past rotations between the Americas, Europe, and Australia-Asia, preference for FG 2026 will be given to
proposals from Australia-Asia. FG 2024 was hosted in Istanbul ( and FG 2025 ( will be held in Florida, USA.

Important Dates:

  • Notification of intent by May 15, 2025.
  • Draft proposal for initial feedback by June 15, 2025.
  • Full proposals due by September 15, 2025.

FG Steering Board:

  • Jeffrey Cohn
  • Qiang Ji
  • Stan Z. Li
  • Mark Nixon
  • Maja Pantic
  • Albert A. Salah
  • Sudeep Sarkar
  • Walter J. Scheirer


Proposals for the events should include the following information:

Organizers: tentative general chairs, program chairs, and other key roles, with specific names where possible, proposed names otherwise. Please identify the lead general and program chair, and describe past organization and FG-related experience for all organizers, as well as IEEE conference organization experience, if possible. Proposed conference dates, location and venue: including the specific conference location and facilities, estimated costs of the venue, suggested hotel(s) and their cost(s), accessibility for travel and example travel costs, public transportation and access from nearest airports. Please mention if there is a local FG/biometrics-related community. Note that proposed dates should not clash with major related conferences.

Conference plans: plans for the program (technical program, special sessions, invited speakers, reception and banquet, etc.), events beyond the main conference (workshops, tutorials, tours, etc.). What is planned to be similar or different from previous FG conferences?

Hybrid/virtual attendance: plans about allowing virtual participation, in case this is considered. We strongly urge you to consider a fully in-person conference.

Budget: a tentative proposed conference budget with projections for different numbers of participants (150, 200, 250). Expected registration fees, IEEE administrative expenses (16% of budget), and a 10% contingency fee for unexpected expenses should also be calculated.


All communications for FG 2026, including requests for information and proposal submission, should be sent to the FG Steering Board Chair (Albert Ali Salah,