The IEEE Biometrics Council is pleased to announce its newly elected members of the Executive Committee.

Stephanie Schuckers
President-Elect 2024

Stephanie Schuckers

Dr. Stephanie Schuckers is the Paynter-Krigman Endowed Professor in Engineering Science in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clarkson University and serves as the Director of the Center of Identification Technology Research (CITeR), a National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center. She received her doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering from The University of Michigan. Professor Schuckers research focuses on processing and interpreting signals which arise from the human body. Her work is funded from various sources, including National Science Foundation, the Department of Homeland Security, and private industry, among others. She has started her own business, testified for Congress, and has over 40 journal publications as well as over 60 other academic publications.

Dr. Schuckers also runs CITeR and the Biomedical Signal Analysis (BIOSAL).


Shiqi Yu
Vice President Education 2024-2025

Shiqi Yu
Shiqi Yu currently is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, at Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China. His research interests include computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence. Shiqi Yu received his B.E. degree in computer science and engineering from the Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University in 2002, and his Ph.D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent systems from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. He worked as an assistant professor and an associate professor at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2007 to 2010, and as an associate professor at Shenzhen University from 2010 to 2019.

Raghvendra Ramchandra
Vice President Finances 2024-2025

Raghavendra Ramachandra

Raghavendra Ramachandra is working as a Professor in the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology (IIK)  at NTNU, Gjøvik. His research interests are in biometrics (Verification and Attack Detection), Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Image and video analytics, Human Behaviour Anlaysis, Video Surviellance,  Health Biometrics, Smartphone Authentication.


Vitomir Štruc
Vice President Technical Activities 2024-2025

Vitomir Struc

Vitomir Štruc is a Full Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His research interests include problems related to biometrics, computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning. He (co-)authored more than 150 research papers for leading international peer-reviewed journals and conferences in these and related areas. He served in different capacities on the organizing committees of several top-tier vision conferences, including IEEE Face and Gesture, ICB, WACV, and IJCB. Vitomir is a Senior Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, a Subject Editor for Elsevier’s Signal Processing, and an Associate Editor for Pattern Recognition, and IET Biometrics. Dr. Struc is a Senior member of the IEEE, a member of IAPR, EURASIP, Slovenia’s national contact point for the European Association for Biometrics (EAB), and a member of the Supervisory board of the EAB, as well as the former president and current executive committee member of the Slovenian Pattern Recognition Society, the Slovenian branch of IAPR. Vitomir is also the current VP Technical Activities for the IEEE Biometrics Council and the secretary of the IAPR Technical Committee on Biometrics


Congratulations to the winners!