Below you’ll find an archive of previous articles from an archived version of the IEEE Biometrics Council website.  

Request for Information — IJCB 2021

Deadline: September 15, 2020

The IAPR Technical Committee on Biometrics (TC-4) and the IEEE Biometrics Council (IEEE-BC) are seeking information for hosting the 2021 International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2021) anywhere in the world. This Request for Information (RFI) is issued solely for information gathering and planning purposes. RFIs are due by September 15, 2020. A committee established by IAPR TC-4 and IEEE-BC will evaluate all RFIs by September 25, 2020. A Call for Bids will be issued after this preliminary screening process.

The International Joint Conference on Biometrics combines two major biometrics conferences – International Conference on Biometrics (ICB) and Biometrics Theory, Application and Systems (BTAS) conference. The blending of these two conferences will present an exciting event for the worldwide biometrics research community. Similar events were conducted in 2011 (, 2014 ( and 2017 (, and proved to be a success as evidenced by the number of paper submissions and delegates in attendance.

Each RFI should include information on (but not limited to):
1. Host Organization
2. General Chairs and Local Organizing Committee
3. Venue and Dates (verify possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields)
[If an in-person event is not possible, then organizers must be flexible to offer a virtual event]

RFIs should be sent via e-mail to:
Dr. Arun Ross ( and Dr. Vishal Patel (

IEEE Biometrics Council Meritorious Service Award
Deadline: September 7, 2020

Nominations are invited for the “IEEE Biometrics Council Meritorious Service Award” to honor outstanding service in the field of biometrics. The award is administered by the IEEE Biometrics Council Award Committee, which is responsible for reviewing and recommending candidates to the IEEE Biometrics Council Executive Committee. This award will be presented at the IJCB 2020.
Any current IEEE member of the member societies of the Biometrics Council who has been active in the fields of interest of the IEEE Biometrics Council for more than fifteen years is eligible. Current officers of the Society’s Executive Committee are ineligible. Please provide: i) Nominee’s name, contact address, ii) nominator contact details, iii) URL of nominee’s website with bio and CV, iv) URL of google scholar citations, v) statement (500 words max), vi) names of three references willing to write supporting letters.
A single awardee will receive a plaque and $1,000 honorarium.
The nominations are accepted till September 7, 2020. Follow the following links to submit the nomination and the reference letters.


Reference letters:

In case of any questions, please contact the Award Committee Chair, Prof. Ioannis Kakadiaris at IKakadia@Central.UH.EDU or VP Technical Activities, Prof. Massimo Tistarelli at

IEEE Biometrics Council Leadership Award
Deadline: September 7, 2020

Nominations are invited for the “IEEE Biometrics Council Leadership Award” to recognize outstanding leadership in the field of Biometrics. The award is administered by the IEEE Biometrics Council Award Committee, which is responsible for reviewing and recommending candidates to the IEEE Biometrics Council Executive Committee. This award will be presented at the IJCB 2020.
Any current IEEE member of the member societies of the Biometrics Council who has been active in the fields of interest of the IEEE Biometrics Council for more than fifteen years is eligible. Current officers of the Society’s Executive Committee are ineligible. Please provide: i) Nominee’s name, contact address, ii) nominator contact details, iii) URL of nominee’s website with bio and CV, iv) URL of google scholar citations, v) statement (500 words max), vi) names of three references willing to write supporting letters.
A single awardee will receive a plaque and $2,000 honorarium.
The nominations are accepted till September 7, 2020. Follow the following links to submit the nomination and the reference letters..


Reference letters:

In case of any questions, please contact the Award Committee Chair, Prof. Ioannis Kakadiaris at IKakadia@Central.UH.EDU or VP Technical Activities, Prof. Massimo Tistarelli at

IEEE Biometrics Council Best Doctoral Dissertation Award
Deadline: September 7, 2020

To express recognition for, and promote outstanding effort and contributions in doctoral dissertation in the field of interest to the IEEE Biometrics Council, the IEEE Biometrics Council Best Doctoral Dissertation Award was established in 2019. Any current member of IEEE is eligible to be nominated for the award. The nomination should originate for the nominee’s dissertation advisor. An advisor can nominate only one dissertation per year. The nominated dissertation should be successfully defended in the calendar year 2019. The dissertation can be written in any language. However, to be eligible for nomination an English language version must be provided. The award includes a USD 1,000 honorarium and a commemorative plaque. The following materials are required to be submitted by the nominator:

  • A nomination letter from the advisor of the student including the following information:
    • Nominee information, including name, affiliation and email address;
    • When was the thesis defended and what was the outcome?
    • What are the technical contributions and how the field of biometrics has been advanced
    • What is the broader societal & economic Impact
    • Quality of writing and organization of the material;
    • Additional arguments about why the nominee deserves the award
  • A letter from the University/Institution showing the successful defense date.
  • The nominated Dissertation in English and the nominated Dissertation in its original language (if other than English).
  • Other information that will be useful for the evaluation of the dissertation, if any.

The documents should be submitted via the following link:

In case of any questions, please contact the Award Committee Chair, Prof. Ioannis Kakadiaris at IKakadia@Central.UH.EDU or VP Technical Activities, Prof. Massimo Tistarelli at

2021 IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2021): Call for Proposals
Deadline: October 15, 2019

The IEEE Biometrics Council (IEEE-BC) is pleased to invite proposals for hosting the 2021 International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2021) in the United States.

Proposals are due by October 15, 2019. A committee established by IEEE-BC will evaluate all proposals by December 1, 2019.

BTAS is a premier research conference focused on all aspects of biometrics. It is intended to have a broad scope, including advances in fundamental signal processing, image processing, pattern recognition, and statistical and mathematical techniques relevant to biometrics. Areas of coverage include biometrics based on voice, fingerprint, iris, periocular, face, handwriting, gait and other modalities, as well as multi-modal biometrics and new biometrics based on novel sensing technologies.

Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):

  • Host organization
  • Organizing and technical committees
  • Venue and dates (verify possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields)
  • Accommodation arrangements
  • Paper review plan
  • Publicity plan
  • Timetable with critical milestones
  • Budget estimates Sponsors

Further guidelines on IEEE conference organization can be found here:

Proposals should be sent via e-mail to: Dr. Vishal Patel (

Call for Nominations for VP-Finance
Deadline: September 30, 2019

We seek nominations for the VP – Finance from interested candidates from the IEEE member societies of the biometrics council. The area of interest for the VP – Finance and their activities are described on the Biometric Council website Interested candidates should send their nominations through a nominator who is a member of one of the member societies of the IEEE Biometrics Council. Members of the Biometrics Council Executive Committee serve at least one term of two years. The Vice-President of Finance is central to the operation of the Biometrics Council. The nominator should send the nomination to Mark Nixon ( by Sep 30, 2019.

The nomination should contain a short bio and a description of the vision of the candidate for the post. The IEEE BC Adcom will vote and select the VP – Finance.

Call for nominations for President-Elect:
Deadline: August 30, 2019

We seek nominations for the President of the Biometrics Council from interested candidates from the member societies of the biometrics council. The successful candidate will serve as President Elect for 2020 and commence their term as President on Jan 1 2021, ending 31 Dec 2022. The role of the President and their activities are described on the Biometric Council website . Interested candidates should send their nominations through a nominator who is a member of one of the member societies of the IEEE Biometrics Council. The nominator should send the nomination to Mark Nixon ( ) by Aug 30 2019.

The nomination should contain a short bio and a description of vision of the candidate for the post. The IEEE BC Adcom will vote and select the new President Elect.

IEEE Biometrics Council Meritorious Service Award
Deadline: July 15, 2019

Nominations are invited for the “IEEE Biometrics Council Meritorious Service Award” to honor outstanding service in the field of biometrics. The award is administered by the IEEE Biometrics Council Award Committee, which is responsible for reviewing and recommending candidates to the IEEE Biometrics Council Executive Committee. This award will be presented at the BTAS 2019.
Any current IEEE member of the member societies of the Biometrics Council who has been active in the fields of interest of the IEEE Biometrics Council for more than fifteen years is eligible. Current officers of the Society’s Executive Committee are ineligible. Please provide: i) Nominee’s name, contact address, ii) nominator contact details, iii) URL of nominee’s website with bio and CV, iv) URL of google scholar citations, v) statement (500 words max), vi) names of three references willing to write supporting letters.

A single awardee will receive a plaque and $1,000 honorarium.

The awards committee chair will accept nominations till July 15, 2019 at

IEEE Biometrics Council Leadership Award
Deadline: July 15, 2019

Nominations are invited for the “IEEE Biometrics Council Leadership Award” to recognize outstanding leadership in the field of Biometrics. The award is administered by the IEEE Biometrics Council Award Committee, which is responsible for reviewing and recommending candidates to the IEEE Biometrics Council Executive Committee. This award will be presented at the BTAS 2019.
Any current IEEE member of the member societies of the Biometrics Council who has been active in the fields of interest of the IEEE Biometrics Council for more than fifteen years is eligible. Current officers of the Society’s Executive Committee are ineligible. Please provide: i) Nominee’s name, contact address, ii) nominator contact details, iii) URL of nominee’s website with bio and CV, iv) URL of google scholar citations, v) statement (500 words max), vi) names of three references willing to write supporting letters.

A single awardee will receive a plaque and $2,000 honorarium.

The awards committee chair will accept nominations till July 15 2019 at

IEEE Biometrics Council Best Doctoral Dissertation Award
Deadline: May 31, 2019

To express recognition for, and promote outstanding effort and contributions in doctoral dissertation in the field of interest to the IEEE Biometrics Council, the IEEE Biometrics Council Best Doctoral Dissertation Award was established in 2019. Any current member of IEEE is eligible to be nominated for the award. The nomination should originate for the nominee’s dissertation advisor. An advisor can nominate only one dissertation per year. The nominated dissertation should be successfully defended in the calendar year 2018. The dissertation can be written in any language. However, to be eligible for nomination an English language version must be provided. The award includes a USD 1,000 honorarium and a commemorative plaque. The following materials are required to be submitted by the nominator:

  • A nomination letter from the advisor of the student including the following information:
    • Nominee information, including name, affiliation and email address;
    • When was the thesis defended and what was the outcome?
    • What are the technical contributions and how the field of biometrics has been advanced;
    • What is the broader societal & economic Impact
    • Quality of writing and organization of the material;
    • Additional arguments about why the nominee deserves the award
  • A letter from the University/Institution showing the successful defense date.
  • The nominated Dissertation in English and the nominated Dissertation in its original language (if other than English)
  • Other information that will useful for the evaluation of the dissertation, if any.

The link to a compressed folder with the material should be emailed to Professor Ioannis A. Kakadiaris, IEEE Biometrics Council Award Committee Chair, at IKakadia@Central.UH.EDU. The deadline is May 31, 2019.

Call for Nominations for VP-Education and VP-Technical Activities:

Members of the Biometrics Council Executive Committee serve at least one term of two years. The Vice-President posts of Education and Technical Activities are central to the operation of the Biometrics Council. We seek nominations for VP – Technical Activities and VP – Education from interested candidates from the member societies of the biometrics council. The area of interest for each VP and their activities are described on the Biometric Council website Interested candidates should send their nominations through a nominator who is a member of one of the member societies of the IEEE Biometrics Council. The nominator should send the nomination to Mark Nixon ( by June 1, 2019.

The nomination should contain a short bio and a description of vision of the candidate for the post. The IEEE BC Adcom will vote and select VP- Education and VP- Technical Activities.

IJCB 2020 call for proposals

The IAPR Technical Committee on Biometrics (TC-4) and the IEEE Biometrics Council (IEEE-BC) are pleased to invite proposals for hosting the 2020 International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2020) in the United States. Proposals are due by JANUARY 15, 2019. A committee established by IAPR TC-4 and IEEE-BC will evaluate all proposals by FEBRUARY 15, 2019. The International Joint Conference on Biometrics combines two major biometrics annual research conferences – International Conference on Biometrics (ICB) and Biometrics Theory, Application and Systems (BTAS) conference – and is held in the United States. The blending of these two conferences will present an exciting event for the worldwide biometrics research community. Similar events were conducted in 2011 (, 2014 ( and 2017 (, and proved to be a success as evidenced by the number of paper submissions and delegates in attendance.

Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):

  • Host organization
  • Organizing and technical committees
  • Venue and dates (verify possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields)
  • Accommodation arrangements
  • Paper review plan
  • Publicity plan
  • Timetable with critical milestones
  • Budget estimates
  • Sponsors

Further guidelines on IAPR and IEEE conference organization can be found here:

Proposals should be sent via e-mail to:

Dr. Arun Ross Dr. Sébastien Marcel Dr. Vishal Patel

IEEE Biometrics Council Leadership Award

Nominations are invited for the “IEEE Biometrics Council Leadership Award” to recognize outstanding leadership in the field of Biometrics. Any current IEEE member of the member societies of the Biometrics Council who has been active in the fields of interest of the IEEE Biometrics Council for more than fifteen years is eligible. Current officers of the Society’s Executive Committee are ineligible. Please provide: i) Nominee’s name, contact address, ii) nominator contact details, iii) URL of nominee’s website with bio and CV, iv) URL of google scholar citations, v) statement (500 words max), vi) names of three references willing to write supporting letters.

A single awardee will receive a plaque and $2,000 honorarium at the BTAS 2018.

The awards committee chair will accept nominations till July 15 2018 at

Call for nominations for VP-Conferences and VP-Publications:

Nominations for VP-Conferences and VP-Publications are hereby sought from interested candidates from the member societies of the biometrics council. Interested candidates should send their nominations through a nominator who is a member of one of the member societies of the IEEE Biometrics Council. The nominator should send the nomination to Venu Govindaraju ( by Aug 15, 2018.

The nomination should contain a short bio and vision of the candidate. The IEEE BC Adcom will vote and select VP-Conferences and VP-Publications.

The Collaboration of IEEE Biometrics Council and The New Lending Industries:

IEEE Biometrics Council’s mission to promote biometric technology is met through technical activities, sessions, and conferences. The council presents advancing discoveries to the large public, and the findings serve as a primary step in the development of numerous new industries. For instance, one of the niches that have been greatly improved by the IEEE Biometric Council’s work is the lending industry.

The further details can be found here: The Collaboration of IEEE Biometrics…

IEEE Biometrics Council Meritorious Service Award

Nominations are invited for the inaugural “IEEE Biometrics Council Meritorious Service Award” to honor outstanding service in the field of biometrics. The award is administered by the IEEE Biometrics Council Award Committee, which is responsible for reviewing and recommending candidates to the IEEE Biometrics Council Executive Committee. This award will be presented at the ISBA-2018, Singapore.

Any current IEEE member of the member societies of the Biometrics Council who has been active in the fields of interest of the IEEE Biometrics Council for more than fifteen years is eligible. Current officers of the Society’s Executive Committee are ineligible. Please provide: i) Nominee’s name, contact address, ii) nominator contact details, iii) URL of nominee’s website with bio and CV, iv) URL of google scholar citations, v) statement (500 words max), vi) names of three references willing to write supporting letters.

A single awardee will receive a plaque and $1,000 honorarium.

The awards committee chair will accept nominations till November 20, 2017 at

Call for Applications and Nominations for the ‘Editor-in-Chief’ of IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter

The IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter is published as a quarterly archival and has been started in 2011. We are currently seeking nominations and applications for the position of the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter for the publication years, 2018 and 2019.

The applicants must have strong, relevant experience in roles such as author, reviewer, and area/associate editor for biometrics related publications/journals, and/or a technical program chair or similar roles in high quality, conferences. The key qualities of the Editor-in-Chief are an outstanding understanding of the needs of the community in academics as well as industrial and government organizations, awareness of changing emphases in research areas and development of emerging fields, plus the administrative skills to manage the editorial cycle in a timely fashion. The EiC must also be able to attract respected experts to his/her editorial board. The EiC must have good interpersonal skills to maintain good rapport with authors, editors, contributors and able to seek financial support for publication activities.

Applications or nominations must include an application/nomination letter, a full complete curriculum vita (CV), a personal statement summarizing their vision and plans for the IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter. Please submit application materials as a single zip file attached to the email. This email should be sent to VP (Publications) of IEEE Biometrics Council at e-mail address .The last date to receive nominations is November 20, 2017. The target start date for the new IEEE Biometrics Council Chief Editor is January 1, 2018.

Call for Proposal for IEEE Conference on Biometrics Theory, Application and Systems (BTAS), 2019

Deadline: January 31, 2018
BTAS is the flagship conference for IEEE Biometrics Council. Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):

• Organizing and technical committees, at least general and program chairs
• Verified venue and dates (without possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields). Please provide venue contact info. The venue is not restricted to be in Washington, DC
• Verified accommodation arrangements;
• Publicity and plans for growing the conference.
• Timetable with critical milestones;
• Budget estimates using the standard budget template available at:
• Possible external sponsors.

Further guidelines on IEEE conference organization can be found at
Please send proposals to Sebastien Marcel, Vice-President for Conferences, IEEE Biometrics Council at
The proposals will be vetted by the IEEE Biometrics Council Conference Committee and result announced through IEEE Biometrics mailings and the website.

Call for Proposals: IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA), 2019

Deadline: Dec 30th, 2017
The IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis is a flagship conference series initiated by the IEEE Biometrics Council and its first edition was held in Hong Kong while the second edition was held in Japan. ISBA 2017 was organised in India and ISBA 2018 in Singapore. This conference is intended to meet the emerging need for a winter meeting, especially for the Asian participants where the introduction of large scale biometrics programs have attracted significant increase in research and development efforts. It will be a forum that brings together experts in biometrics, security, and human behavior to consider research issues and solutions that are robust, comprehensive, and broader than currently considered in each of these individual research areas. Success of emerging biometrics technologies also depends on human aspects of biometrics-driven security and balancing high security with the user friendliness. Therefore this conference serves to provide a new form for such broad areas defining human side of security and user behavior as well as social influence in the biometrics security.

Proposals are now invited for the 2019 edition of the conference which is to be held in Asia. Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):

• Organizing and Technical Committees, at least General and Program Chair(s)
• Verified venue and dates (without possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields). Please provide venue contact info;
• Verified accommodation arrangements;
• Publicity and plans for growing the conference;
• Timetable/Schedule with critical milestones;
• Budget estimates using the standard budget template available at:
• Possible external sponsors

Further guidelines on IEEE conference organization can be found at
Please send proposals to Sebastien Marcel, Vice-President for Conferences, IEEE Biometrics Council at The proposals will be vetted by the IEEE Biometrics Council Conference Committee and results announced through IEEE Biometrics mailings and/or at ISBA 2018.

Call for nominations for President-Elect and VP-Finances:

Nominations for President-Elect and VP-Finances are hereby sought from interested candidates from the member societies of the biometrics council. Interested candidates should send their nominations through a nominator who is a member of one of the member societies of the IEEE Biometrics Council. The nominator should send the nomination to by Nov 01, 2017.

The nomination should contain a short bio and vision of the candidate. The IEEE BC Adcom will vote and select President-Elect and VP-Finances.

Call for Applications for the ‘Editor-in-Chief’ of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior and Identity Science (in anticipation)

The IEEE Biometrics Council is planning to start IEEE Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior and Identity Science and currently, IEEE is positively considering the proposal. We are currently seeking applications for the position of the Editor-in-Chief (in anticipation) of the proposed Transactions for a term of three years.

The applicants must have strong, relevant experience in roles such as author, reviewer, and area/associate editor for biometrics related publications/journals, and/or a technical program chair or similar roles in high quality, conferences. The key qualities of the Editor-in-Chief are an outstanding understanding of the needs of the community in academics as well as industrial and government organizations, awareness of changing emphases in research areas and development of emerging fields, plus the administrative skills to manage the editorial cycle in a timely fashion. The EiC must also be able to attract respected experts to his/her editorial board. The EiC must have good interpersonal skills to maintain good rapport with authors, editors, contributors and able to seek financial support for publication activities.

Applications must include an application/nomination letter, a full complete curriculum vitae (CV), a personal statement summarizing their vision and plans for the proposed Transactions. Please submit application materials as a single zip file attached to the email. This email should be sent to VP (Publications) of IEEE Biometrics Council at e-mail address The last date to receive nominations is Sep 22, 2017.

Call for Proposal for IEEE Conference on Biometrics Theory, Application and Systems (BTAS), 2018

Deadline: May 31, 2017

BTAS is the flagship conference for IEEE Biometrics Council. Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):

  • Organizing and technical committees, at least general and program chairs
  • Verified venue and dates (without possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields). Please provide venue contact info. The venue is not restricted to be in Washington, DC
  • Verified accommodation arrangements;
  • Publicity and plans for growing the conference.
  • Timetable with critical milestones;
  • Budget estimates using the standard budget template available at:
  • Possible external sponsors.

Further guidelines on IEEE conference organization can be found at

Please send proposals to Sebastien Marcel, Vice-President for Conferences, IEEE Biometrics Council at

The proposals will be vetted by the IEEE Biometrics Council Conference Committee and result announced through IEEE Biometrics mailings and the website.

Call for Proposal for the 2019 IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2019)

Deadline: May 1, 2017

With FG 2017 approaching and plans for FG 2018 (Xi’an, China) underway, the steering committee invites proposals for hosting FG 2019.

In keeping with past rotations between the Americas, Europe, and Asia, preference will be given to proposals from Europe. The preferred conference time is May 2019. Other months could be considered.

Please submit proposals to Jeff Cohn with the subject line FG2019. Include the names of the proposed organizers and the location.

In the proposals, please include the following information.

• Organizers: General chairs, program chairs, and other key roles, with specific names where possible, proposed names otherwise.

• The conference location and venue: the city, the specific conference location and facilities, estimated costs of the venue, suggested hotel(s) and their cost(s), and accessibility for travel and example travel costs.

• Conference plans: plans for the program (technical program, special sessions, invited speakers, reception and banquet, etc.), events beyond the main conference (workshops, tutorials, tours, etc.). What is planned to be similar or different from previous FG conferences?

• Budget: a tentative proposed conference budget. Expected registration fees, IEEE administrative expenses (20% of budget), and a 10% contingency fee for unexpected expenses.

For more detailed guidelines, see

For questions, please email Jeff Cohn.

IEEE Biometrics Council Meritorious Service Award

Nominations are invited for the inaugural “IEEE Biometrics Council Meritorious Service Award” to honor outstanding service in the field of biometrics. The award is administered by the IEEE Biometrics Council Award Committee, which is responsible for reviewing and recommending candidates to the IEEE Biometrics Council Executive Committee. This award will be presented at the ISBA-2017, New Delhi, India.

Any current IEEE member of the member societies of the Biometrics Council who has been active in the fields of interest of the IEEE Biometrics Council for more than fifteen years are eligible. Current officers of the Society’s Executive Committee are ineligible. Please provide: i) Nominee’s name, contact address, ii) nominator contact details, iii) URL of nominee’s website with bio and CV, iv) URL of google scholar citations, v) statement (500 words max), vi) names of three references willing to write supporting letters.

A single awardee will receive a plaque and $1,000 honorarium.

The awards committee chair will accept nominations till January 15, 2017 at

Call for Proposals: IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA), 2018

Deadline: January 31, 2017

The IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis is a flagship conference series initiated by the IEEE Biometrics Council and its first edition was held in Hong Kong while the second edition was held in Japan. ISBA-2017 will be organized in New Delhi, India. This conference is intended to meet the emerging need for a winter meeting, especially for the Asian participants where the introduction of large scale biometrics programs have attracted significant increase in research and development efforts. It will be a forum that brings together experts in biometrics, security, and human behavior to consider research issues and solutions that are robust, comprehensive, and broader than currently considered in each of these individual research areas. Success of emerging biometrics technologies also depends on human aspects of biometrics-driven security and balancing high security with the user friendliness. Therefore this conference serves to provide a new form for such broad areas defining human side of security and user behavior as well as social influence in the biometrics security.

Proposals are now invited for the 2018 edition of the conference which is to be held in Asia. Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):

  • Organizing and Technical Committees, at least General and Program Chair(s)
  • Verified venue and dates (without possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields). Please provide venue contact info;
  • Verified accommodation arrangements;
  • Publicity and plans for growing the conference;
  • Timetable/Schedule with critical milestones;
  • Budget estimates using the standard budget template available at:
  • Possible external sponsors

Further guidelines on IEEE conference organization can be found at

Please send proposals to Sebastien Marcel, Vice-President for Conferences, IEEE Biometrics Council at The proposals will be vetted by the IEEE Biometrics Council Conference Committee and results announced through IEEE Biometrics mailings and/or at ISBA 2017.

Call for nominations for the positions in IEEE Biometrics Council VP – Education and VP – Publication:

Nominations are hereby sought from interested candidates from the member societies of the biometrics council. Interested candidates should send their nominations through a nominator who is a member of one of the member societies of the IEEE Biometrics council. The nominator should send the nominations to Venu Govindaraju ( by Feb 15, 2017.

The nomination should contain a short bio and vision of the candidate for these positions. The IEEE BC AdCOM will vote and chose the candidates for these positions.

IEEE Biometrics Council Leadership Award

Nominations are invited for the inaugural “IEEE Biometrics Council Leadership Award” to recognize outstanding leadership in the field of Biometrics. Any current IEEE member of the member societies of the Biometrics Council who has been active in the fields of interest of the IEEE Biometrics Council for more than fifteen years are eligible. Current officers of the Society’s Executive Committee are ineligible. Please provide: i) Nominee’s name, contact address, ii) nominator contact details, iii) URL of nominee’s website with bio and CV, iv) URL of google scholar citations, v) statement (500 words max), vi) names of three references willing to write supporting letters.

A single awardee will receive a plaque and $2,000 honorarium at the BTAS 2016.

The awards committee chair will accept nominations till August 28, 2016 at

Call for Proposals: IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA), 2017
Deadline: January 31, 2016

The IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis is a flagship conference series initiated by the IEEE Biometrics Council and its first edition was held in Hong Kong while second edition will be held in Japan. This conference is intended to meet the emerging need for a winter meeting, especially for the Asian participants where the introduction of large scale biometrics programs have attracted significant increase in research and development efforts. It will be a forum that brings together experts in biometrics, security, and human behavior to consider research issues and solutions that are robust, comprehensive, and broader than currently considered in each of these individual research areas. Success of emerging biometrics technologies also depends on human aspects of biometrics-driven security and balancing high security with the user friendliness. Therefore this conference serves to provide a new form for such broad areas defining human side of security and user behavior as well as social influence in the biometrics security.

Proposals are now invited for the 2016 edition of the conference which is to be held in Asia. Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):

  • Organizing and Technical Committees, at least General and Program Chair(s)
  • Verified venue and dates (without possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields). Please provide venue contact info;
  • Verified accommodation arrangements;
  • Publicity and plans for growing the conference;
  • Timetable/Schedule with critical milestones;
  • Budget estimates using the standard budget template available at:
  • Possible external sponsors

Further guidelines on IEEE conference organization can be found at

Please send proposals to Sudeep Sarkar, Vice-President for Conferences, IEEE Biometrics Council at The proposals will be vetted by the IEEE Biometrics Council Conference Committee and results announced through IEEE Biometrics mailings and/or at ISBA 2016.

Call for IJCB2017 proposal

The IAPR Technical Committee on Biometrics (TC-4) and the IEEE Biometrics Council (IEEE-BC) are pleased to invite proposals for hosting the International Joint Conference on Biometrics in 2017 (IJCB 2017). Proposals are due by December 15, 2015. A committee established by IAPR TC-4 and IEEE-BC will evaluate all proposals. The International Joint Conference on Biometrics will be a special combination of two major biometrics research conferences: International Conference on Biometrics (ICB) and Biometrics Theory, Application and Systems (BTAS) conference. The blending of these two conferences will present an exciting event for the worldwide biometrics research community. A similar event was conducted in 2011 ( and in 2014 ( and proved to be a success as evidenced by the number of paper submissions and delegates in attendance.

Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):
§ host organization;
§ organizing and technical committees;
§ venue and dates (verify possible conflict with other major conferences in closely relatedfields);
§ accommodation arrangements;
§ publicity plan;
§ timetable with critical milestones;
§ budget estimates;
§ sponsors.

Further guidelines on IAPR and IEEE conference organization can be found here:

Proposals should be sent via e-mail to:
Dr. Arun Ross,
Chair, IAPR TC-4

Prof. Sudeep Sarkar,
VP of Conferences, IEEE Biometrics Council

Call for nominations for the positions in IEEE Biometrics Council
President Elect, VP – Conferences, VP – Finances, and VP – Technical Activities:

Nominations are hereby sought from interested candidates from the member societies of the biometrics council. Interested candidates should send their nominations through a nominator who is a member of one of the member societies of the IEEE Biometrics council. The nominator should send the nominations to by November 15, 2015.

The nomination should contain a short bio and vision of the candidate for these positions. The IEEE BC AdCOM will vote and chose the candidates for these positions.

Call for Applications and Nominations for the ‘Editor-in-Chief’ of IEEE Biometrics Compendium

The IEEE Biometrics Compendium is published as an quarterly virtual journal. We are currently seeking nominations and applications for the position of the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Biometrics Compendium for the publication years, 2016 to 2018.

The applicants must have strong, relevant experience in roles such as author, reviewer, and area/associate editor for biometrics related publications/journals, and/or a technical program chair or similar roles in high quality, conferences. The key qualities of the Editor-in-Chief are an outstanding understanding of the needs of the community in academics as well as industrial and government organizations, awareness of changing emphases in research areas and development of emerging fields, plus the administrative skills to manage the editorial cycle in a timely fashion. The EiC must also be able to attract respected experts to his/her editorial board. The EiC must have good interpersonal skills to maintain good rapport with authors, editors, contributors and able to seek financial support for publication activities.

Applications or nominations must include an application/nomination letter, a full complete curriculum vita (CV), a personal statement summarizing their vision and plans for the IEEE Biometrics Compendium. Please submit application materials as a single zip file attached to the email. This email should be sent to VP (Publications) of IEEE Biometrics Council at e-mail address and also copied to The last date to receive nominations is November 15, 2015. The target start date for the new IEEE Biometrics Council Chief Editor is January 1, 2016.

Call for Proposal for IEEE Conference on Biometrics Theory, Application and Systems (BTAS), 2016

Deadline: March 31, 2015

BTAS is the flagship conference for IEEE Biometrics Council. Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):

  • Organizing and technical committees, at least general and program chairs
  • Verified venue and dates (without possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields). Please provide venue contact info. The venue is not restricted to be in Washington, DC
  • Verified accommodation arrangements;
  • Publicity and plans for growing the conference.
  • Timetable with critical milestones;
  • Budget estimates using the standard budget template available at:
  • Possible external sponsors.

Further guidelines on IEEE conference organization can be found at

Please send proposals to Sudeep Sarkar, Vice-President for Conferences, IEEE Biometrics Council at

The proposals will be vetted by the IEEE Biometrics Council Conference Committee and results announced through IEEE Biometrics mailings and/or at BTAS 2015.

Call for Proposals: IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA), 2016

Deadline: March 6, 2015

The IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis is a flagship conference series initiated by the IEEE Biometrics Council and its first edition will be held in Hong Kong. This conference is intended to meet the emerging need for a winter meeting, especially for the Asian participants where the introduction of large scale biometrics programs have attracted significant increase in research and development efforts. It will be a forum that brings together experts in biometrics, security, and human behavior to consider research issues and solutions that are robust, comprehensive, and broader than currently considered in each of these individual research areas. Success of emerging biometrics technologies also depends on human aspects of biometrics-driven security and balancing high security with the user friendliness. Therefore this conference serves to provide a new form for such broad areas defining human side of security and user behavior as well as social influence in the biometrics security

Proposals are now invited for the 2016 edition of the conference which is to be held in Asia. Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):

  • Organizing and technical committees, at least general and program chairs
  • Verified venue and dates (without possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields). Please provide venue contact info. The venue is not restricted to be in Washington, DC
  • Verified accommodation arrangements;
  • Publicity and plans for growing the conference.
  • Timetable with critical milestones;
  • Budget estimates using the standard budget template available at:
  • Possible external sponsors.

Further guidelines on IEEE conference organization can be found at

Please send proposals to Sudeep Sarkar, Vice-President for Conferences, IEEE Biometrics Council at The proposals will be vetted by the IEEE Biometrics Council Conference Committee and results announced through IEEE Biometrics mailings and/or at ISBA 2015.

Call for nominations for the positions in IEEE Biometrics Council VP – Education and VP – Publication:

Nominations are hereby sought from interested candidates from the member societies of the biometrics council. Interested candidates should send their nominations through a nominator who is a member of one of the member societies of the IEEE Biometrics council. The nominator should send the nominations to Nalini Ratha ( by Jan 7, 2015.

The nomination should contain a short bio and vision of the candidate for these positions. The IEEE BC AdCOM will vote and chose the candidates for these positions.

Call for Applications and Nominations for the ‘Editor-in-Chief’ of IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter

The IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter is published as an quarterly archival and has been started in 2011. We are currently seeking nominations and applications for the position of the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter for the publication years, 2015 and 2016.

The applicants must have strong, relevant experience in roles such as author, reviewer, and area/associate editor for biometrics related publications/journals, and/or a technical program chair or similar roles in high quality, conferences. The key qualities of the Editor-in-Chief are an outstanding understanding of the needs of the community in academics as well as industrial and government organizations, awareness of changing emphases in research areas and development of emerging fields, plus the administrative skills to manage the editorial cycle in a timely fashion. The EiC must also be able to attract respected experts to his/her editorial board. The EiC must have good interpersonal skills to maintain good rapport with authors, editors, contributors and able to seek financial support for publication activities. The EiC will also develop a roadmap to reshape the newsletter and replace it in near future with a IEEE Biometrics Magazine which can have wider scope.

Applications or nominations must include an application/nomination letter, a full complete curriculum vita (CV), a personal statement summarizing their vision and plans for the IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter. Please submit application materials as a single zip file attached to the email. This email should be sent to VP (Publications) of IEEE Biometrics Council at e-mail address and also copied to .The last date to receive nominations is October 15, 2014. The target start date for the new IEEE Biometrics Council Chief Editor is January 1, 2015.

March 21, 2014: Call for Proposal for IEEE Conference on Biometrics Theory, Application and Systems (BTAS), 2015

Deadline: May 31, 2014

BTAS is the flagship conference for IEEE Biometrics Council.

Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):

organizing and technical committees, at least general and program chairs
verified venue and dates (without possible conflict with other major conferences in closely related fields). Please provide venue contact info.
verified accommodation arrangements;
publicity and plans for growing the conference.
timetable with critical milestones;
budget estimates using the standard budget template available at:
possible external sponsors.
Further guidelines on IEEE conference organization can be found at

Please send proposals to Sudeep Sarkar, Vice-President for Conferences, IEEE Biometrics Council at

March 18, 2014: Soliciting Evaluation Proposals for FG 2015 (Deadline: April 4, 2014)

The 11th IEEE international Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2015) introduces the Evaluations Session. The organizers of the FG2015 are therefore soliciting evaluation proposals to be considered in a Special session on Evaluation at the FG2015. The possible areas of interest include (but are not limited to):
– Face recognition in the wild
– Challenging sub-problems in face recognition (e.g. detection, tracking, image normalization)
– Biometrics beyond face recognition
– Anti-spoofing and aliveness detection
– Soft-biometrics (age estimation, gender recognition, ethnicity, kinship, …)
– Visual attributes extraction
– Hand posture and hand gesture recognition
– Depth sensing based challenges
– Facial expression recognition
– Action recognition

Deadline for submission of proposals: 4th April
Notification: 7th April

For further details please refer to homepage (

January 1, 2014: 11th Biometrics Summer School (June 2014)

This school follows the successful International Summer School on Biometrics held since 2003, but with a different target. In this 11th edition, the courses will mainly focus on new and emerging issues:
– How Biometrics will be facing the new and emerging challenges of the E-society;
– How to exploit new Biometric technologies in forensics and security applications;
– Standardization, evaluation and assessment of biometric applications.
– Biometric technologies and advanced research: What is next?

The courses will provide a clear and in-depth picture on the state-of-the-art in biometric verification/identification technology, both under the theoretical and scientific point of view as well as in diverse application domains. The lectures will be given by 18 outstanding experts in the field, from both academia and industry.

A new feature of this Summer School will be the introduction of some practical sessions to better understand, “hands on”, the real potential and limitations of today’s biometric technologies.

Deadline for application: March 1, 2014

November 10, 2013: 2nd Biometric School (Winter Edition)

Applications are solicited for the 2nd Biometric School (Winter Edition) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in January 2014.
For details and registration, please see:

September 9, 2013: Call for Webmaster for updating and maintaining the IEEE Biometrics Council Website

The IEEE Biometrics Council is seeking a Webmaster who will maintain and update the IEEE Biometrics Council website from November 2013 to December 2014. Responsibilities include:

1. Migrate current site to an alternate web hosting service (if needed)
2. Content update and creation based on interaction with the ExCom
3. Enhance visual appeal of the website
4. Provide statistics of website access to the executive committee on a monthly basis
5. Understand and comply with IEEE web site guidelines for websites and interact with IEEE to get their approval when needed
6. Ensure that all links in the website are active and updated in consultation with the BC ExCom
7. Maintain and update the FaceBook page of the Council

Interested parties are requested to submit a brief proposal containing the following information:

(1) Name of individual or company that will serve as the webmaster.
(2) Details of previous experience as webmaster.
(3) Samples and examples of websites previously developed and maintained.
(4) The hourly or weekly or monthly cost for updating and maintaining the website.
(5) The number of hours per week/month that the webmaster will commit toward this effort.

Additional information:
1. Preference will be given to Webmasters who will be working under the direct supervision of an ExCom member (name of the ExCom member must be included).
2. Current website may be viewed at

Proposals must be sent to by October 15, 2013

June 24, 2013: Biometrics, Identity, and Security (BIdS) Research Showcase

Call for Presentations
The Biometrics, Identity, and Security (BIdS) Research Showcase will again be co-located with the Biometric Consortium Conference (BCC) in 2014. The BCC is the federal government’s primary outreach mechanism with the identity community, and annually attracts 2000 participants from around the world. This partnership provides a unique opportunity for researchers (academic, government and industry) to showcase the results of their work to technology providers, systems integrators, and government officials that shape how current and future programs will function.

The program committee is hereby soliciting nominations for presentation during the BIdS Research Showcase within the BCC. To be eligible, the nomination must have been previously published in a recent peer-reviewed conference or journal. Extra consideration will be given to research that is aligned with the federal priorities identified in the 2011 National Biometrics Challenge.

Interested individuals should send an email nomination(s) to that includes:
• A one-page abstract of the research (including methods and results);
• Motivation for research and/or statement of alignment with priorities in the National Biometrics Challenge A copy of the peer-reviewed conference or journal paper, and citation for that publication;
• A one-page biography of the nominated speaker.

Nominations Due: July 7, 2013
Notification of Invited Speakers: July 19, 2012
Session: Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Invited Presentations


Program Commitee
Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University (Co-Chair)
Bojan Cukic, West Virginia University (Co-Chair)
Sudeep Sarkar, University of South Florida
Patrick Flynn, Notre Dame University
Terry Boult, Colorado State University
Arun Ross, Michigan State University

April 22, 2013: The IEEE Biometrics Council is on Facebook

Feb 15, 2013: New Editorial Board for IEEE-BC NewsLetter

IEEE Biometrics Council has endorsed the nomination of the new Editorial Board (Feb 14, 2013 – Feb 14, 2015) for the IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter. The board members are:

Andrew Teoh, Yonsei University, South Korea (Chair)
Abhishek Nagar, Samsung Dallas, USA
Kar Ann Toh, Yonsei University, South Korea
Meng Hui Lim, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Oleg Komogortsev, Texas State University, USA
Thian Song Ong, Multimedia University, Malaysia

The Council welcomes the members of the Editorial Board and looks forward to their service!

Jan 21, 2013: Biometrics Summer School in June 2013

The 10th Biometrics Summer School will be held in Alghero, Italy, between June 10th and 15th (2013). Details about the summer school and travel grants for applicants may be found here.

Jan 1, 2013: Executive Committee Update

Dr. Tieniu Tan (CASIA, China), President Elect, will now serve as the President of the Council. The Council welcomes him!
The Council gratefully acknowledges the valuable contributions of the outgoing President, Dr. Nalini Ratha (IBM, USA). Thank you Nalini!
Dr. Ajay Kumar (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong) has been elected to serve as the VP of Publications for two more years.
Dr. Arun Ross (Michigan State University, USA) has been elected to serve as the VP of Education for two more years.

Dec 29, 2012: IEEE Fellows

IEEE Biometrics Council Executive Committee Member Dr. Sudeep Sarkar (VP of Conference) was elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow.
Dr. James Wayman and Dr. Jonathan Connell, nominated through the Council, were elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow.
IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.
For more information, please see

Dec 29, 2012: Call for Webmaster for updating and maintaining the IEEE Biometrics Council Website

The IEEE Biometrics Council is seeking a Webmaster who will maintain and update the IEEE Biometrics Council website from January 2013 to December 2014. Responsibilities include:

  1. Migrate current site to an alternate web hosting service (if needed)
  2. Content update and creation based on interaction with the ExCom
  3. Enhance visual appeal of the website
  4. Provide statistics of website access to the executive committee on a monthly basis
  5. Understand and comply with IEEE web site guidelines for websites and interact with IEEE to get their approval when needed
  6. Ensure that all links in the website are active and updated in consultation with the BC ExCom

Interested parties are requested to submit a brief proposal containing the following information:

  1. Name of individual or company that will serve as the webmaster.
  2. Details of previous experience as webmaster.
  3. Samples and examples of websites previously developed and maintained.
  4. The hourly or weekly or monthly cost for updating and maintaining the website.
  5. The number of hours per week/month that the webmaster will commit toward this effort.

Additional information:

Preference will be given to Webmasters who will be working under the direct supervision of an ExCom member (name of the ExCom member must be included).
Current website may be viewed at
Proposals must be sent to by January 15, 2013

Call for Applications and Nominations for the ‘Editor-in-Chief’ of IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter

The IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter is published as an quarterly archival and has been started in 2011. We are currently seeking nominations and applications for the position of the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter for the publication years, 2013 and 2014.
The applicants must have strong, relevant experience in roles such as author, reviewer, and area/associate editor for biometrics related publications/journals, and/or a technical program chair or similar roles in high quality, conferences. The key qualities of the Editor-in-Chief are an outstanding understanding of the needs of the community in academics as well as industrial and government organizations, awareness of changing emphases in research areas and development of emerging fields, plus the administrative skills to manage the editorial cycle in a timely fashion. The EiC must also be able to attract respected experts to his/her editorial board. The EiC must have good interpersonal skills to maintain good rapport with authors, editors, contributors and able to seek financial support for publication activities. The EiC will also
develop a roadmap to reshape the newsletter and replace it in near future with a IEEE Biometrics Magazine which can have wider scope.
Applications or nominations must include an application/nomination letter, a full complete curriculum vita (CV), a personal statement summarizing their vision and plans for the IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter. Please email the materials as a single zip file to the IEEE Biometrics Council Nomination Committee Chair at e-mail address last date to receive nominations is December 31, 2012. The target start date for the new IEEE Biometrics Council Chief Editor is February 1, 2013.

September 1, 2012: The Council will be exhibiting a booth at the Biometrics Consortium Conference in Tampa, Florida (September 18 – September 20, 2012).

August 29, 2012: Dr. Jim Wayman will be giving the IEEE Biometrics Council Distinguished Lecturer talk at WIFS 2012.

May 20, 2012: The Council is pleased to announce that Prof. Kevin Bowyer (University of Notre Dame) and Prof. James Wayman (San Jose State University) will be serving as IEEE Biometrics Council Distinguished Lecturers. The Council welcomes their expertise in furthering the educational mission of the Council.

Dec 30, 2011: We welcome the new office bearers for the following positions:

1. VP Conference (2012-2013): Prof. Sudeep Sarkar
2. VP Finance (2012-2013): Prof. Stephanie Schuckers
3. VP Technical Activities (2012-2013): Prof. Ioannis Kakadiaris
4. President Elect (2012; will take over as President in 2013): Prof. Tieniu Tan

Nov 21, 2011:  Two IEEE Biometrics Council Executive Committee Members were elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow. Prof. Patrick Flynn (VP of Conference) and Dr. Salil Prabhakar (VP of Finances) received this prestigious honor. IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.

For more information, please see .