The objective of IEEE Biometrics Council Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) is to serve the Biometrics Community by providing stimulating lectures from distinguished IEEE Biometrics Council (BC) scholars and professionals. It also aims at helping young researchers and professionals by providing guidance, suggestions, on the emerging research problems as well as promoting biometrics algorithms, tools and techniques among the undergraduate students to attract their interest in the diverse field of human identity and identification using biometrics.

"*" indicates required fields

(Requested from DLP. Return air fare and related expenses)
(Covered by the local chapter. ie - local transport, food, accommodation)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Additional open-to-all lecture for undergraduate students/industries is planned?*
Will Talk Be Recorded*
The speaker is not requested for a conference, symposium, workshop?*
IEEE members will have free access to the DLP talk*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.