
Become an IEEE FG 2019 Industry Sponsor!

The organizers of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2019) warmly invite you to attend the conference as a sponsor, where you will have a unique opportunity to promote your company and brand. FG2019 will be held in Lille, France on May 14-18, 2019 and is expected to attract over 350 participants from industry and academia. Internationally recognized as the premiere conference on facial and gesture analysis, FG 2019 is the perfect place to inform leaders and students in the field, as well as the interested general public, about your company’s vision and products.

The conference recognizes four different levels of contribution: Platinum Sponsors, Golden Sponsors, Silver Sponsors, and Bronze Sponsors:


Platinum Level ($6000 and above):

In recognition of your support at this level, we offer you 3 free passport registrations,

  • Sponsorship of the Most Influential Paper from the FG series from the last 20 years,
  • Special recognition during banquet and other ceremonies,
  • Logo on website, handbook and proceedings,
  • Free company exhibit table at the conference.

Gold Level ($4500 and above):

In recognition of your support at this level, we offer you 2 free passport registrations,

  • Sponsorship of Best Paper award,
  • Special recognition during banquet and other ceremonies,
  • Logo on website, handbook and proceedings,
  • Company exhibit table.


Silver Level ($3000):

In recognition of your support at this level, we offer you one free passport registration,

  • Sponsorship of the Best Student Paper award,
  • Special recognition during banquet and other ceremonies,
  • Logo on website, handbook and proceedings. 

Bronze Level ($2000):

In recognition of your support at this level, we offer you one free passport registration,

  • Sponsorship of the Best Demo award,
  • Logo on website, handbook and proceedings.


Awards: FG 2019 bestows four paper awards that our Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze corporate donors can sponsor including the Best Paper Award, the Best Student Paper Award and the Best Demo Award. Sponsorship of the awards will be recognized during the conference. Priority will be given to higher amounts of donations for award sponsorship within the same level.

Doctoral Consortium: IEEE FG 2019 offers Silver, Gold and Platinum level corporate donors the possibility to become Doctoral Consortium sponsors. Each Doctoral Consortium sponsor will be given the opportunity to include one of its representatives as a mentor in the Doctoral consortium and to interact directly with the most talented PhD students working on technologies related to different areas of face and gesture recognition. The Doctoral consortium is expected to accept 15-20 student applications and will represent a great opportunity to discuss employment possibilities. Since only a limited number of slots is available for the Doctoral Consortium sponsors priority will be given to higher amounts of donations.

Logos: Sponsor logos will appear as soon as the donation is made to let earlier sponsors get more exposure time and visibility on the FG website. Logos will be listed with respect to the donation level.