Demos Session

FG2019 will host a demo session to give researchers the opportunity to showcase live demonstrations of their contributions. The demonstrations are intended to be interactive and display new algorithms, methods, technologies, and system prototypes. The demonstrations are not limited to papers being presented at the conference, although demonstration of work published at FG2019 or its workshops is encouraged. The primary requirement is that the topic of the demo falls within the broad context of face and gesture recognition and their applications.

We particularly invite researchers working in innovative startups or industrial Research & Development to submit their most recent technologies or even a work-in-progress prototype to further engage with the community. Demos from academic/research institutions are also welcome. The participation in FG 2019 is a great opportunity to showcase systems and technologies to a venue that attracts psychologists, computer and data scientists and practitioners. Demo presenters will benefit from the feedback of the most renowned scientists in the field. Some of them may be willing to be the beta testers.


– Live demos are required in this demo session. Other formats of demonstration such as video recordings or slide shows might be accepted only in exceptional cases.

– At least one presenter for each demo must be registered for the conference.

– The displays of commercial products cannot be accepted as demos, but only as part of the exhibition program.


One page abstract: use FG2019 paper submission format to prepare an abstract including:

  • Title (if your demo is related to a FG19 paper submitted to the main conference, please use the exact same title)
  • Author information (names, affiliations, email, addresses, etc)
  • Description of the demo (include technical contributions of system, novelty, importance, and/or usefulness)
  • Results of formal evaluation (if applicable)
  • Experiment(s) to be conducted during the demo session (if applicable)

URL link: video recording or screen shots demonstrating how the system works.
Demo requirements: detailed description of the technical setup and requirements for the demo.

Prospective demo participants should fill out a demo application form to upload their application.


Each demonstration application will be reviewed and selected based on its scientific contribution, originality and innovation, social impact, potential for widespread use and relevance to the topics of FG. The demos will be included in the conference proceedings as one-page abstracts, and will be considered for Best Demo Award, sponsored by FG2019.


Application deadline: March 1st, 2019
Acceptance notification: March 4th, 2019
Camera-ready abstract: March 7th, 2019


For further information about demos please contact FG2019 Demo & Exhibition chairs: Shaun Canavan ( or Mauricio Pamplona Segundo (