
Accepted competitions

Two competitions have been retained :

  1. The OMG-Empathy Prediction Challenge – To create a general affective model to be used as a modulator for learning different cognitive tasks, such as modeling intrinsic motivation, creativity, dialog processing, grounded learning and human-level communication, only emotion perception cannot be the pivotal focus. The integration of perception with intrinsic concepts of emotional understanding, such as a dynamic and evolving mood and affective memory, is required to model the necessary complexity of an interaction and realize adaptability in an agent’s social behavior. For this challenge, we designed and recorded the One-Minute Gradual Empathy dataset (OMG-Empathy) which contain multi-modal recordings of different individuals discussing predefined topics. One of them, the actor, shares a story about themselves while the other, the listener, reacts to it emotionally. We annotated each interaction based on the listener’s own assessment on how they felt while the interaction was taking place. We also collected annotations from a third individual; an independent observer, who was not involved in the interaction but watched the video of the interaction and described how they felt, continuously using an arousal/valence scale. This challenge proposes two tracks, one to predict the listener empathy and the other one to predict the observer empathy.
    More details here
  2. Recognizing Families In the Wild (RFIW – 3rd edition) – RFIW tackles problems of visual kinship recognition, which has many practical use-cases. Researchers
    have spent great e↵orts to advance this technology since 2010. However, until the release of the 1st largescale
    image database for kinship recognition (i.e., Families In the Wild (FIW)), evaluations were limited
    in size and scope. Our goal is to maximize the full capacity of FIW, alongside the minds of the research
    communities, to push the frontier of automatic kinship recognition technologies and, ultimately, bridge the
    gap between research-and-reality.
    More details here

Call for proposals

We invite proposals for the 2019 Faces and Gestures Competition track in Lille, France. We solicit competition proposals on any topic of interests to the FG community. We especially encourage competition proposals from emerging new fields or new application domains related to FG. Interdisciplinary topics that could attract a significant cross-section of the community are highly valued. There will be two kinds of competitions:

  1. Standard data science driven competitions, where participants will compete to obtain the best score on a FG problem of interest to the FG community based on a problem and data defined and released by the organizers of the competition.
  2. Live competitions, which will be held in a science-fair manner at FG. Participants will present live demos at FG which apply methodology in an application domain defined by the organizers of the Live competition.

Accepted competitions will run as a FG 2019 competition workshop, where competition results can be discussed and presented. Organizers will propose a tentative schedule for the presentation of the competition. The main conference will provide coffee breaks and, if necessary, poster facilities. For any additional questions please contact the competition chairs.

Competition organizers can additionally open a call for papers for contributions relevant to the field of the organized competition. Papers from top ranked participants and papers contributing to the topics of the competition can be then considered to be included in FG 2019 workshop proceedings.

Data science competition proposal submission

Regular data science driven competition proposal must be mailed to both challenge chairs. Please carefully follow the LaTeX template for data science competition proposal.

Live competition proposal submission

Live competition proposals must be mailed to both challenge chairs. Please carefully follow the available template to apply for the Live competition. An important requirement for the Live competition acceptance is the plan for recruiting participants.

Important dates

  • Competition proposal submission deadline: 16 July 2018
  • Acceptance notification: 26 July 2018
  • Competition workshop camera ready papers due: 15 February 2019

Additional comments to competition proposes

In case your proposal contains a “regular data science” track and a “Live” track, please submit both available templates for revision. It may happen that only one of them is accepted. Competition organizers should propose a timeline for running the competition to ensure participants to have enough time to contribute with a high quality solution. Organizers with a competition proposal that requires help or suggestions regarding the competition platform to run the competition can contact the competition chairs for advice.

Competition chairs